Best Themed Restaurants In Tokyo
There are restaurants you go to for the food. There are restaurants you go to for the ambiance. Then there’s Tokyo’s crazy themed restaurants which you go to for a unique experience. The themed restaurant business in Tokyo is constantly evolving and changing. Just when you think you’ve seen everything, a new crazier idea pops up. One that you would’ve never thought of in a million years. In fact, the crazier the idea the more popular the place.
So if you ever make it to Tokyo, here’s a list of themed restaurants you must checkout.
Robot Restaurant
OK, the first restaurant on the list is totally touristy and pretty expensive, but it’s totally worth it.
It’s hard to explain this show, because you really need to experience it. It’s an assault on the senses and more fun than you thought you could ever have. It’s simply a bizarre, mental, trippy experience. There are four 90-minute shows each night, in which the nubile staff take to the floor on giant robots. The show is a combination of cabaret type dancing, music, light and sound. There’s nothing subtle about this show, and that’s why you’ll either love it or hate it. Either way, it’s definitely worth a visit.
Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.
Walking into Zauo, the first thing that’ll catch your eye is that the dining area that’s designed like a boat with water around it. This river is filled with fish and the cool part is they’re not decorative. Your given a pole to try and catch your dinner for the night. Of course if you’ve every been fishing, you know that catching a fish is not always guaranteed. Don’t worry, if that happens there’s a menu you can order from until your fishing skills improve.
Tip: If you visit, make sure to make a reservation to be seated on the boat (which has a 2 hour seating limit). The smaller back rooms can get loud and smokey.
Alcatraz ER
How do you one up a prison themed restaurant like “The Lockup”?
Setup a restaurant that’s a cross between a prison and an ER. Located in Shibuya, this restaurant has a dark interior that’s lined with prison cells and there are skulls and fake bodies scattered throughout the place. You’ll be seated in a small cell while being served by a provocatively dressed prison nurse. Midway through your dinner the lights will go out and the sirens will go off indicating that there’s a “Prison Break”.
It’s a silly night out that’s best enjoyed with a group of friends. As long as you don’t take the place too seriously, drink a lot and eat a little you’ll have a ball.
Ninja Akasaka
Next up, is a ninja themed restaurant. Right off the bat, when you arrive you may have some difficulty finding the place. It only has one small entrance next to the Tokyu Plaza. Its entrance is hidden in the darkness behind a black door. When you enter, a Ninja guide will take you through some hidden doors and small stairs to “The Village”. Once seated, a server will sneak up on you with menus and when serving your food and drinks.
Good news/Bad news: The food here is more expensive, but the quality is better than most themed restaurants. You pay more, but you get more.
Maid cafes have become ubiquitous in Japan and have gained international fame. If you’ve ever walked down a main street in Akihabara, you would’ve crossed paths with young ladies dressed up as maids trying to lure you into their establishment. For a foreigner, it can be a surprising and enticing invitation.
These maid cafes are designed to make you feel like a master and to be dotted on by the pretty maid waitresses. The food here is prepared with a cuteness that only the Japanese could pull off. There’s a steak shaped like a teddy bear or a drawing of cute animal with chocolate paste on your drinks. The cuteness continues when they serve you the meal. You have to call out magic words with the Maid, to make your dish magically more delicious.
Seriously, this is something you can only find in Japan.
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